Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Today at 7:15 am and 8:50 am artos sax players Elisabeth & Stephanie boarded their planes and headed back to their home countries (Stef= Brazil and E-liz to Germany). They are both very much loved and their absence in the arto family brings tears to all of our eyes and a sigh to the songs. There may be replacement members but NO ONE will be the same as these two gals. the original family is broken. "The fox is found. The star goes black! There is love!" But we will not forget them and shall soon meet again. we love you Stephanie and Elisabeth. We love you!!


Monday, June 23, 2008

R.I.P. George Carlin. may your intellect outshine your profanity.


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Thank you

Thank you all for coming to our cd release show last night. I've heard our album probably 200 times now and pretty much never want to hear it again, regardless, we are grateful you put forth 8 greenbacks and took it back home with you. In fact, if you didn't have any money with you or weren't able to make the show, you can pick up the record at the Green Bay Exclusive Company. It's been a long time coming and we hope you enjoy and take something from it.
I am pleased with our performance even counting the mistakes. Music is a human creation thus, mistakes will forever exist within it. Thank you They Leave Messages for putting on an excellent performance and especially Tom for learning every drum part the day before the show. No thanks to the assholes who abused the audience with their foul, beastly humor.
Our ideas and feelings are capsulated within our lyrical content and seeing as it is not included in the album sleeve, we will include it here.


1. There Will Be Blood

2. A Long Prison Bar

Talk to me scraper, I will cut you down.
You came on her sheets and turned her gown a rusty brown.
The seeds of forever rage within these windows.
Wipe away our sweat, and our screams.
Give up.

3.Samsa’s Compassion

Do you see that man in the tree?
I swear he’s hungry for me.
I know those leaves in his mouth were my heart.

I know in lines and in time, we are all the same.
Swelling souls, forked out tongues, sold out songs.

And I’m tired of taking stage like a skeleton,
Where every line has been the trash to hide my interests,
One more solid crowd to glorify my broken head, one more solid crowd,
Oh! Where will this land?!

4.Descending The Apex

Whales, I am the marrow of your bones.
Fawns, I am the grass growing out from these stones.

Oh, but how could I resist their Shepard’s throng?

“God is dead.” I heard it through the windmill, he tied his arms and legs to save me!

Climb up down that hill, and show me what you have lived for.

I’m the hallway,
I’m the apple,
I’m the language,
I’m the tide.

But not even that atoms of my tongue are real.

5.Tired Masonry

Balance dreams with rays of sunlight, as if they were one, and then gone.
And when the sun is tired, she hides like a child beneath the moon.
Tree where’ve you been, I’ve been the dear for the year,
I thought your hands would find their way,
To the mouth of the century,
With breast in hand I’m alive and I’m beautiful,
There go my ashes! Are we not young anymore?

If you would come home.


Gardening hair upon Easter Day,
On the farm your brother built.
Would he even remember my name?

Because there’s soil, and water, and fathers, and motherheads,
And water, and tide, to keep my muscles relaxing.

And I swear not to hold back this time.

7.Cattle Muse

In my ear Jesus just warned me,
Complaining of sins that I have never done,
In fear my heart spooned out dishonest prayer,
It happens every time that times are bad or waning.

8. Polar-Void

A crocodile captured my mother and brought her to the sandbar,
He took of her clothes, and her pride and seduced her.
With her hair in his hand he smiled and me, “Jamie, I love you, you’re family,
Please take the picture.”

And I wept, alone, behind the mirror, outside Sue’s door.
I wept.

And I heard her scream,
But I couldn’t help her,
I am weak.
She pled for days, “oh! Please let me go in the name of the lord!”

Stains on the tall tales of Golden House helpings,
Smash out the State,
Block the paths and the cue cards.
Today we are blessed as guests to the sun and the moon!
Let her go.
All of you, let her go.

9.The Language of Animals

Crouch like a tiger, in the light of the city.
Stink of the Brut, and the news reports.
Benches by the river mold my conscience into dollars,
Buying pie off of Broadway and a case in court.

Growling at strangers carrying Wal-Mart bags, and sadness---
Too scared to love me trees or anyone.

Take off the guise.
Take off the guise because it never helped you anyway.
Strip the lute holes of power. Leave the strings as one to dance about in a forest, on a cross, in a mosque, lover’s twilight. Control your course, the sails were lost, the day you woke, the sound was tossed, erratic hate from tv tubes, Rodney bruised, and nukes to lose, Allah blamed, the oil attained, jihad of blood, my mind ablaze.


10.Farewell Hajj

Savannah stretched,
atoms bind,
cows sent to town square.
computer flame,
paper love,
dot dot my ring’s blood.
Lion’s heel,
hearse’s steel,
the sun sets on us both.

Are you afraid?
I took your name, and I’m sorry.

Maya rise,
maize masked disguise,
it’s your land, not mine.
Jihad of oil,
sticks for soil,
Sun Tzu beaming.
When will I see the beast go hungry, or is this as it should be?
Blood for God,
Cars for bombs,
Mosques and bread crumbs.

That’s the sound, you hear, when the bomb goes off.
That’s the sound, “ch-ching,” when they buy the yacht.
Those are the words, you speak, when your land is lost.
That’s revenge, you seek, when your soul is bought.


I have seen the greatest minds of my generation destroyed by madness! Starving! Shaking! Hysterical! Dragging themselves through the Negro streets at dawn, Contemplating jazz!

Oh fox! There is no love! Even the blazing sun will burst before its collapse! The fox is found! The star goes black!

There is love!


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

kissing down each others backs in the backyard
oh what a day
you say "we should go inside"
no, i think we should stay

mutual masturbation neutrally making love
no need for sanitation i just need the ski above


Sunday, June 8, 2008

poetry in motion

Flies in the family Pyrgotidae are endoparasitoids of these and related beetles; the females pursue the beetles in flight, laying an egg on the beetle's back under the elytra where the beetle cannot reach it. The egg hatches and the fly larva enters the body cavity of the beetle, feeding and eventually killing the host before pupating.

oh, p.s.


Friday, June 6, 2008

I am drinking mountain dew revolution right now I think I'm the real terrorist here.


p.s. lauren's post is cooler
p.p.s. arto's got the yellow fever!!!!@@@@@####$!
p.p.p.s. this is how she gets what she wants (good one Emily):


we wish we spoke japanese.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

thanks to the few who showed up on saturday fOR MY solo sHOw. I couldD cOUNt you aLL wiTh 3 fIsts but nOtHinG beatsS a fUUUUUn time.

sPEaking of "fUUUUUn times" arto'S album realse show has bEEN set. the pLaNNEd date is JUne 20th aT gREEN bayS DOwntoWn libRaryyy (at 6pm-10ish/who knows??). ThiS event is FREE oF CharGE, the only mOney grabBin that SHall be goinG down wiLL be the $8 for ou r aLBum (IF you wish tO pUrchasE iT thAt isssSS) the other band that sHAll be playing wiLL beE They LeAve MeSSages aNd SiLenCe ALL (fuck yeah!!) hoPE to sEe you TherE.