Tuesday, September 1, 2009

No to performance.
Yes to asking Rodney if we can practice in the attic.
Yes to not starving anymore.
Yes to writing new music.
Yes to being friends.
Yes to a new album someday...
Yes to electricity being on again.
Yes to Elisabeth being here from Germany.



Shawn Vaz said...

no performances? Damn. I always feel special feelings when you play together.

Arto said...

Only for a little while! We're putting together some new songs in our new attic, and in a few months, will be back to unleash THA BEAST.

Shawn Vaz said...

good! I've been waiting to see you guys again. i was there for the rock for a cure when u dedicated your song to the people in the gaza strip. it was really powerful. I'm looking forward to more.