Sunday, September 27, 2009,_Michigan,_Massachusetts,_Massachusetts  (Up until '98, known as "Gay Head)


Feel free to contribute in comments, and I will type them into the post! 

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hey Joni, put it all behind me.

The deepest feelings of emotion wash over my heart when she opens her mouth to sing. 


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Someone broke through our basement window, stole my bike, and came out the front door, leaving it ajar. IF I EVER FIND THEM, I WILL FUCKING KILL THEM. 

Dude, you are so cool when you badmouth multinational corporations like Nike and Adidas with that cigarette in mouth

 Steps to not being  a fucking retard and saving 500,000 lives in the U.S. anually:

Step 1. Stop smoking


Saturday, September 12, 2009


This is a human being jumping from a building that is on fire.
Religious tolerance, state intervention, state sanction, whatever, when you are freefalling from an office building, it doesn't mean anything.
It's all bullshit. No more bullshit. Kill your hatred. 


Thursday, September 10, 2009



Putting my money into a kiosk, paying my night parking tickets at the Riverwest police station, a middle-aged, father-type black man with a fisherman's hat entered through glass doors and approached an officer. I can't speak in favor of his argument, not knowing the situation,  but assertively he described the poor treatment his family had been subjected to by the local police,  and demanded reprimand.  With his finger waving above the desk, he pointed out specific officers as they passed by, telling the desk clerk she had to "keep an eye on them."   I left inspired.  Whether he's talking horse shit or not, witnessing that type of resistant-consciousness towards power in a deeply impoverished, predominantly black-latino neighborhood rules, and brings us one step closer to a free society.



Tuesday, September 1, 2009

No to performance.
Yes to asking Rodney if we can practice in the attic.
Yes to not starving anymore.
Yes to writing new music.
Yes to being friends.
Yes to a new album someday...
Yes to electricity being on again.
Yes to Elisabeth being here from Germany.
